Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Electronic Commerce's Applications & Issues ..

1] * What do we mean by E-commerce & E-business??

1. E-commerce is The process of buying, selling, transferring or exchanging products, services or information using computer networks, including the internet.

2. E-business is The broader concept of e-commerce, including serving customers, collaborating with business partners & performing electronic transactions within an organization.

2] * Business to consumer: The sellers are organizations & the buyers are individuals.

* Business to business: The sellers are organizations & the buyers are organizations.

* Consumer to consumer: The sellers are individuals & the buyers are individuals.

* Business to employee: Organizations provide information & services to employees, allow them to manage their benefits, take training classes electronically, buy discounted insurance, travel packages & tickets to events.

* E-government: The use of internet technology to deliver information & public services to citizens, business partners &suppliers. Also used to conduct business transactions with citizens, goverment itself & businesses.

 * M-commerce: Conducting e-commerce in wireless environment.

. There are limitations to e-commerce though, such as: Lack of univerally accepted security standards , insufficient telecommunications bandwidth , expensive accessibility , legal issues & lacks a critical mass of buyers and sellers.

* Forward auction: Auctions which sellers use as a channel to many potential buyers.

* Reverse auction: A buyer ( regularly an organization ) wants to buy a product or a service through requesting quotation.

3] * Electronic storefront:

A web site that represents a single store.

* Electronic malls: Includes Referral malls which you cannot make actual purchase from.

Also known as e-mall / cyber mall. A collection of individual shops under a single internet address.

4] * Online services:

1. Cyber banking
2. Online securities trading
3. The online job market
4. Travel services

* Online advertising methods:

. Banners
. Pop ups
. pop unders

5] * Sell - side marketplace : Where organizations attempt to sell their products / orders to other organizations electronically from their private e-marketplace.

* Buy - side marketplace : Where organizatoins attempt to buy needed products / services from other organizations electronically.

* Electronic exchange : Public exchanges have many buyers & many sellers.

1. Vertical exchange:
Connect buyers & sellers in a given industry.

2. Horizontal exchange:
Connect buyers & sellers across many industries.

3. Functional exchange:
Needed services such as temporary help are traded on an 'as-needed- basis.

6] * There are electronic payment methods:

. Electronic checks

. Electronic credit cards

. Purchasing cards

. Electronic cash : Stored-value money cards , Smart cards , Person-to-person payments , Digital wallets.

7] * Ethical issues in E-business:

. Privacy issues

. Jobs loss

* Legal issues in E-commerce:

. Fraud

. Domain names

. Cybesquatting

. Copyright

. Taxes & fees

End of Chapter .. 

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