Saturday, 11 May 2013

Network Applications, Web 2.0, Distance Learning & Telecommuting ..

1] * Four major network application :

. Discovery: Browsing and information retrieval & providing useres with the ability to view, download, process information from the database.

Tools: Portals , directories , search-engines.

. Communication: Through chat rooms , call centers , e-mail , voice communications & blogs.

. Collaboration: Mutual efforts by two or more entities who work together to accomplish tasks. By Groupware & workflow systems.

2] * Web 2.0

. Apps & IT used by web 2.0:

1. XML

2. AJAX : Web development technique that allows a portion of the web page to relod with new data instead of the whole web page.

3. Tags: A keyword or a term that describes a piece of information.

4. Weblogs: A personal website, open to the public, where the creator express his\her feelings or opinions.

5. Wiki: A website on which anyone can post anything and change other material.

* Really Simple Syndication:

 Allows any user to publish their blog or anything to whoever has an interest in subscribing. In case a change in the content occurs, the subscribers will get a notification.

* Podcast:

A digital audio file that is distributed over the web using RSS for play.back on portable media players or PCs.

* Videocast:

Same as a podcast, but is a digital video file.

* The websites using web2.0 are categorized:

Social Media: Allow user to upload their content on the web in the form of a text, voice, images & videos.

Aggregators: Websites that provide collections of content from the web.

Mashups: Websites that takes content from a number of other websites & mixes them together to creat a new type of content.

* Through using a set of shared protocols & standards, these applications allows various systems to share data & services without needing human translation.

3] * E-learning: Learning supported by the web.
      In a classroom as a support to conventional teaching, or Virtual classrooms.

* Distance learning: Where teachers & students do not meet face to face.

4] * Telecommuting ..

1. Benefits :

 Less stress
 Better family life
 Employment opportunity for housebound people

Increase productivity
Increase the ability to retain skilled employees
Tap remote labore pool

2. Disadvantages:

Increased feeling of isolation
Possible fringe benefits loss
Lower payment
No workplace visibility
Slower promotion
Lack of socialization

Hard to supervise the work
Possible data security problems
Training costs
Equipping & maintaining telecommuters' houses

End of Chapter .. 

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